OCTOBER 2009 UPDATE: Because of the Limbaugh/NFL controversy, I've had a lot of hits for keyword searches for "limbaugh racist quotes." I now have a post on my main page listing many of Limbaugh's racist comments, including many that you won't find anywhere else.
Original Post: Here's a transcript of my October 3, 2000 conversation with Rush Limbaugh. Quick notes: I also was a caller on Limbaugh's show in 2002 and I have also debated Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and other wing-nuts; go to the sidebar on my main blog and read the transcripts. I called in as James from Los Angeles:
[Bumper music]
RUSH: Back we go to the phones, on this, the most-listened-to talk
radio show in America. It's James in Los Angeles. James, hi, how are you?
SCOOBIE: Hi. Great. Surferdude anti-dittos from Los Angeles.
RUSH: Surferdude, way to go. Nice to have you, sir.
SCOOBIE: Yes, yeah. I'm a big fan of Al Gore because really I think
there's no other person in this country who has the blend of total
experience, not only legislatively but in terms of the executive--and
then not only that but the integrity to become President.
RUSH: Integrity?
SCOOBIE: Precisely.
RUSH: Bill Clinton is the greatest President in the history? The man
who claimed he created the Strategic Petroleum [Reserve]? The man
who-- the man--he can't tell the truth--integrity?
SCOOBIE: Oh, oh, you know Rush, the whole thing about calling Gore a
pathological liar--
RUSH: Hold your thought there. I've got to take a break. Hold your
thought. Don't lose your place. We'll come back and continue after
the bottom of the hour.
[Bottom of hour break]
[Bumper music]
RUSH: We'll go back to Los Angeles. James, the self-described
surferdude, welcome back. I hated to interrupt you but I had to. Okay,
my comments on Al Gore's pathological lying?
SCOOBIE: Yeah, for example, if the case is so clear-cut, why do you have
to make things up against him? For example, on September 30 [2000], you said
that Gore had said on Larry King Live that for the past 24 years that
he had supported McCain-Feingold and then you called him an idiot and
a liar. You were saying that's absurd and all that. But actually, Larry
King had thought that Gore had said that he supported McCain-Feingold
since 1976, which he didn't. Rather, and Gore corrected Larry King and
told him that it wasn't McCain-Feingold that he supported but rather
public financing of federal elections. [see appendix at the bottom of this
post] And the thing is, calling Gore a liar like that and other things is dishonest on
your part. And the internet journal, the Daily Howler has pointed that out, how it's so much the critics of Gore's so-called
lying are so much dishonest--more dishonest than they claim Gore is himself. For
example, the whole Love Story thing. Now when Eric Segal wrote the book, he
based the main character upon Al Gore and his roommate Tommy Lee Jones. Now
the only thing Gore got wrong in that whole thing was that Tipper Gore was not
the lead character. He based that upon a newspaper report. And then
you and others act as if Gore had based the whole thing out of whole
cloth, which is certainly not the case. and I think that's--
RUSH: Those are minor--
SCOOBIE: No, no--
RUSH: They are. They are. Still it's true. He still tried to make
people think that he was the subject--that he and Tipper were the
subject of Love Story--
SCOOBIE: He was--- [almost inaudible]
RUSH: And public financing of campaigns. Do you realize that the
current campaign laws that we have date to '74 and '75 right after
Watergate. For him to be thinking of public financing of campaigns
in '76 or '75. We just got a new set of campaign laws following
Watergate. I think it is a little questionable. The Buddhist
fundraiser. Was it a fundraiser? It was. He knows it. He knew it. He
had memos saying so. If you want to sit there and actually try to
defend that, then--
SCOOBIE: You missed the point, Rush. The point is that you mischaracterized
his so-called lying and that's the important point of it--
RUSH: No, I'm not mischaracterizing at all. We're losing the language.
We don't call liars liars anymore. They misstated it--[garbled due to
both talking at the same time]
SCOOBIE: Al Gore reads the newspaper and sees that somebody in the
newspaper says that Tipper Gore was the basis for the Love Story thing.
Al Gore says that and then Al Gore becomes a liar for repeating a
newspaper story that is erroneous. And Eric Segal, when he was
confronted with these facts, he said that Gore's characterization was
correct and that Gore was not lying when he said this. But you people
on the radical Right, you make it seem as if Gore is a pathological--
RUSH: Thank you. I'm glad to be called radical again. I thought I lost
my touch. I used to be called radical but they don't call me that anymore.
SCOOBIE: Yes, certainly, the hard Right, what I call the--
RUSH: I haven't been called that either. Thank you. Hard radical Right.
Good, to be back home.
SCOOBIE: But the whole thing is what about George W. Bush's so-called
lies, his embellishments? You know when George W. Bush first ran for the Congress in 1978, he portrayed himself as a big Texas oilman.
Well, the only oil George Bush saw at that time was the oil that he put on
his salad. This guy didn't do anything except hang around his Daddykins'
rich friends--
RUSH: James, James, I think you're giving yourself away here.
RUSH: As who you are, what you are. If you really say, do you want to
try to genuinely, honestly say that Al Gore is no different than George
W. Bush when it comes to telling the truth?
SCOOBIE: Oh, and he's no different than Ronald Reagan--[laughs] the guy
who talked about liberating the death camps in World War II when the
closest to Europe he got was Southern California. Gee, it's called
being a politician.
RUSH: When did Ronald Reagan say that he liberated the death camps?
He never said that.
SCOOBIE: Yes, he did. Simon Wiesenthal and others said that he said that.
RUSH: He never said that. He never got anywhere saying that because it
didn't happen.
SCOOBIE: I know. Precisely. He made it up out of whole cloth just as he
did when he talked about those fighter pilots who--it was actually in
a movie--it wasn't something in real life and he portrayed it as
something in real life and [laughing] I have to just laugh at that,
Rush, it's just funny. And then you go around--
RUSH: You can laugh all you want but you're talking about one of the
most respected and beloved Presidents in the nation's history and
that's something Al Gore is never going to attain.
SCOOBIE: Well, we'll bet on that.
[IMPORTANT NOTE: From this point on, whenever I talked, it didn't make
the airwaves. Either Rush or one of his henchmen muted me so I could
not be heard. So essentially, Rush was talking to himself. What a pussy!]
RUSH: But you still--you know what this is--thank you [inaudible].
You're right out of the seminar--you guys. I open it up to Gore callers
and so the campaign headquarters’ screech goes out: Hey Limbaugh's
opened up the lines to us so call up and let's get out propaganda
machine spun up and that's what you're doing. You still can't tell me
after about seven or eight minutes what it is about Gore that makes
his experience qualified, his history, qualified to lead. All you can do
is call here and run down Reagan and George W. Bush and come up with
irrelevant defenses of Al Gore. If you can't intellectually admit that
the guy has a pathological problems with the truth. It's not just the
purpose of lies. He's got pathological reasons for it. Then, what
you're saying is that your mind is made up and you're on a mission
here to try to change the subject so as people don't think about the
negatives associated with Gore but rather you got to get them out
there think Reagan, Gingrich, or whatever in order to get votes for Gore. But
you can't call here and tell us why people ought to vote for Gore.
That's what I [inaudible]. Anyway, James, back to the surf.
Don't forget the Uggs [Shoes popular with surfers].
Appendix: What Gore Actually said on Larry King Live 8/28/00
A. Gore: The first day in office, the first bill I will send to the
Congress if I'm the entrusted with the presidency is the McCain-Feingold
campaign finance reform bill.
King: As written.
A. Gore: Absolutely. And then I want to go beyond that, and establish a
democracy endowment that takes all private money out of federal
elections. I think we need to give our democracy back to the people and
I'm serious about this, Larry. I fought for this for 24 years. When I
first went to the Congress in 1976, I supported this measure.
King: There was no McCain-Feingold then, right?
A. Gore: No, I supported full public financing of federal elections to
get the special interest money out of it. But McCain-Feingold is the
logical first step, and if you are for some more ambitious plan, save
that for later, because we have the chance to really pass McCain-
The Next Day (9/29/00): On Limbaugh's radio show, Golden EIB Microphone falsely claimed that on Larry King Live the previous night, Gore claimed that he supported the McCain-Feingold campaign
finance reform bill for 24 years. Limbaugh then called Gore a liar--saying that it was only a recent bill and that neither McCain or Feingold have been in Congress 24 years ago. Of course, as the Larry King Live transcript clearly indicates, Gore did not claim to have supported the McCain-Feingold bill for the last 24 years. Just another example of Limbaugh's lies.
Addendum: Rush Limbaugh Links
1) Media Matters for America monitors Limbaugh and has an updated page on Limbaugh.2009 UPDATE: Media Matters now has a page devoted to Limbaugh: The Limbaugh Wire.
2. I have several informative posts on my main web site that give a lot of information about Limbaugh: 1) A compendium of hateful statements by Limbaugh; 2)I have posts on Limbaugh's virulent racism, here and here; 3) My article on Limbaugh's drug problem.
3. Limbaugh denigration of veteran's military service: 1) Around the same time that the 2000 Bush campaign was orchestrating the whisper campaign that John McCain's POW experience made him mentally unbalanced, Limbaugh (AKA Chief Waga-Waga El Rushbo of the El Conservo Tribe) has a parody of The Caine Mutiny casting John McCain was the paranoid Captain Queeg; 2) Limbaugh's denigration of Iraq veteran Paul Hackett, who was running for Congress as a Democrat: America's Anchorman called Hackett a "staff puke" who "to pad [his] resume." Here's Hackett's apt response to Limbaugh; 3) Limbaugh denigrated John Kerry's military service even before the Swiftboaters were formed. Of course, during the 2004 campaign, Limbaugh supported the smears of the Swift Boat liars; he even interviewed John O'Neill and said that he was doing "God's work"; 4) Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" smear against members of the US military.
4. Limbaugh's paranoid Clinton-bashing almost leads to a fatality.
5. Journalist David Neiwert's series on Limbaugh, "Rush, Newspeak and Fascism" Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Part VI.
6. I have the transcript of the infamous on-air conversation Limbaugh had with "Greg from Orlando" in which Greg knocks Limbaugh off his Prestigious Attila the Hun Chair about his reasons for not fighting in Vietnam (here is Snopes.com on the matter; also, Joe Conason has an article on the flap). Gregg from Orlando, like me, was able to best America's "A Weapon of Mass Instruction" before could hit the mute button and perform a "caller abortion."
7. In addition to the previously listed posts on Limbaugh's racism, there are other sites that have chronicled Mr. Talent on loan from God's hatred against minorities: 1) Limbaugh uses the term "Racist, Sexist, Bigot, Homophobe" to derisively describe how liberals describe conservatives. Not all conservatives are racist, sexist, bigoted, or homophobic but Rush is. For instance, Limbaugh coined the term "feminazi" and refers to the National Organization for Women (NOW) as NAG (National Association of Gals). Limbaugh boasted that a sign on his office door reads, "Sexual harassment at this work station will not be reported. However...it will be graded!!!" Limbaugh also said, "Some of these babes, I'm telling you, like the sexual harassment crowd. They're out there protesting what they actually wish would happen to them sometimes." Limbaugh said he learned about women from his cat, which "gets loved," "petted," and "fed" and "doesn't have to do anything for it." No wonder three wives have left Limbaugh. Limbaugh is worse regarding gays and lesbians. Limbaugh's "AIDS Update" would use the theme song "I Know I’ll Never Love This Way Again." Limbaugh once told his listeners, "When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it’s an invitation." Here's how Limbaugh announced the Rachel Maddow's new MSNBC show: "...our buddy Dan Abrams...he's been replaced by Rachel Maddow, or will be, in early September. He's losing his show to somebody with more testosterone than he has." Limbaugh was both racist and homophobic when he said that "We are being told that . . . we have to bend over, grab the ankles, bend over forward, backward, whichever, because [Obama's] father was black, because this is the first black president."
Media Matters on Limbaugh's racism against Barack Obama; 2) Jeff Cohen and Steve Rendall on Limbaugh's racism. Here's an informative article on limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" flap. Ironically, despite Limbaugh's racist rantings, he has accused Democrats of being racist for criticizing Al Sharpton and then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Here's another Limbaugh false charge of racism.
8. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) did an analysis of Limbaugh's claims on his radio show in the 1990's that infuriated him.
During the Clinton presidency, Limbaugh, along with Roger Ailes, was one of the top Vince Foster conspiracy theorists. Even though numerous investigations has shown that Foster committed suicide and not murdered, Limbaugh has not apologized and continues to suggest that anyone who crosses the Clintons will face a similar fate (click here and here). Remember this the next time Limbaugh refers to himslef as a "harmless loveable little fuzzball and all around good/nice guy."
9. Limbaugh caught truncating a quote by Bill Clinton to give it the exact opposite meaning--Keith Olbermann reports. This is hardly surprising.
10. Here's an post on why the attempts by Democrats and prominent progressives to make Limbaugh the face of the Republican Party is a winner and will succeed. Limbaugh hope that Barack Obama will "fail" shows how tone-deaf Maha Rushie is when he tries to speak outside of his core audience of "dittoheads."
11. Media Matters has a new page devoted to the Doctor of Democracy: The Limbaugh Wire.
12. Some thoughtful analysts have cited the various racist statements that America's Truth-Detector has made on his radio show. Fairness and Accuracy and Reporting and Media Matters have been on top of things. I reported a noxiously racist and unfunny parody on Limbaugh's show. In 2003, Limbaugh did a parody of Gone with the Wind to lampoon the 2004 Democratic presidential candidates. Here's what I wrote in 2003:
When the announcer in the parody said Carol Moseley-Braun's name, a sound-alike of Butterfly McQueen screams, "I don't know nothin' about runnin' for no president!"Also, I was the only person to report Limbaugh's racist comments about Mike Espy. Joe Conason has more on Limbaugh's racists appeals to his listeners and the Michael Steele controversy. Limbaugh has also targeted the NAACP. Limbaugh derisively refers to the group as NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People). On his radio show, Limbaugh, made the following "joke" about the NAACP, which has a century-long history of devotion to expanding civil rights through nonviolent methods: "The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
13. In 2009, some prominent Democrats and progressives decided to make Limbaugh, the Commander in Chief of U.S. Operation Chaos, the face of the Republican Party. Many people thought this was a bad strategy. I disagree. Informing more regular Americans about the extremism and hate on talk radio is a public service. I have a post on the "Limbaugh Strategy" and why it is a good thing. The post also has information about two other hate radio jocks, Mark Levin and Michael Savage (Weiner).
14. Even though I was able to get past Limbaugh's screener twice and confront Limbaugh, there are some important considerations. First, when I spoke to the screener, I made sure to sound tentative and as not very bright. The Professor of the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies wants a stacked deck when it comes to debating progressives on his radio show. Certainly, it helps that the producer of Limbaugh's 1990's television show was Roger Ailes--now the chairman and CEO of Fox News (Limbaugh's television show was similar in structure to the carefully-orchestrated television programs that Ailes produced for Richard Nixon during the 1968 campaign, a model that Ailes uses on the Fox News channel). Another incident obviously has led to Limbaugh's need to have a controlled atmosphere: a disastrous performance when Limbaugh served as guest host on Pat Sajak's television show in 1990. When Limbaugh met with some spirited opponents, he folded like a cheap accordion. "[Limbaugh] came out full of bluster and left a very shaken man," a CBS executive later said. "I had never seen a man sweat as much in my life." Here's a YouTube video. Enjoy:
15. It wasn't only during the 2000 that Limbaugh lied about Al Gore. El Rushbo was behind the smear that Gore couldn't identify George Washington and Ben Franklin during a tour od Monticello. Here is a post that corrects the record.
16. Bill Mann has an in-depth article on the dirty little secret of Boss Limbaugh's success:
17. Audio of Limbaugh Slapping Himself On-Air To "Simulate Torture"
18. I was the first person to report on Limbaugh's comments that Democrats secretly applauded the terrorist bombings in Madrid. The same day Limbaugh, who got out of Vietnam because of a boil onhis butt, made this smear, he also denounced the "anti-Americanism" of war hero John Kerry. Here is the post.
18. I reported on Limbaugh's comments that the Virginia Tech shooter, Cho Seung-Hui "had to be a liberal."
19. Media Matters has Limbaugh's quote that attacks the patriotism of liberals. Limbaugh: It's time for somebody to tell the people on the left, you're damn right we're questioning your patriotism."
20. Video: Limbaugh compares Democrats' "quest for power" to his own drug addiction
21. Video: Limbaugh "Liberals lie ... By definition, liberalism has to obscure what it really believes"; Obama, Clinton make lying "look easy," but Pelosi doesn't have their "talent"
22. Limbaugh: Obama's base "has anti-American opinion," "doesn't like this country"
23. Limbaugh on "fundamental elements" of the left: "[T]errorists are the good guys, we shouldn't be capturing them, we are the reason they are terrorists"
24. Limbaugh: "[F]ascists, statists" on the left are interested in "silencing people who disagree with them and the reason for that, folks, is fear. They are afraid of Dick Cheney. They are afraid of me"
25. Limbaugh rant on Carrie Prejean press conference: "We're supposed to tolerate" the "perversions" and "godlessness" of the left, but "when we stand up and just express our beliefs ... it's time to get the Gestapo"
26. Keith Olbermann on Limbaugh's racist statement that he would send Judge Sonia Sotomayor and the Belizean Grove "a bunch of vacuum cleaners to help them clean up after their meetings."
27. Limbaugh is unsuccessful in his bid to become part owner of St. Louis Rams NFL franchise; his history of racially insensitive statements are partly to blame. UPDATE: Limbaugh also praised Strom Thurmond.
28. Information on Zev Chafets' biogarphy, Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One (Sentinel, 229 pp., $25.95)
29. Limbaugh's continuing war on children. In the 1990's, Limbaugh and his producer Roger Ailes used the Limbaugh TV show to mock then-13-year-old Chelsea Clinton as the "White House dog." More recently, Limbaugh mocked young Malia Obama and suggested that poor children who were denied subsidized school meals "dumpster dive." Limbaugh made this comment around the same time he defended Rep. Joe Barton's (R-TX) apology to British Petroleum and claimed that BP was "persecuted" at "Stalinist," "witch trial" hearing:
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, I find myself apparently in a minority position, just as you do, too. I checked the e-mail during the break, and I got a lot of e-mails. "How dare you defend BP? Are you nuts? Do you want the Democrats to win the election? You gotta jump on BP. There's no defending BP!" I'm not defending BP. I'm standing for the rule of law. We have a legal system to ensure that corporations are held accountable. We have free market aspects that ensure that in civil and criminal matters. We have a legal system to deal with it. Now the executive branch has just said the legislative branch, the judicial branch, neither matter. We're just going to come in and we are the law. Take over a private industry, the auto industry. If they want to, they can do it. I'm not defending BP here. I'm trying to defend the US Constitution, the American way of life, American exceptionalism, what it was that made this country great.Limbaugh is the poster boy for compassionate conservatism.
Other Useful Links:
1. Here's an on-air conversation of me and Sean Hannity over the issue of Republican sexual hypocrisy and GOP election fraud. This post also has a large list of Sean Hannity links. I have another conversation with Hannity in which I confront him about Pat Robertson's religious bigotry and Jerry Falwell's victimization of his flock and his political dirty tricks. The sidebar on my main blog has a list of talk radio phone call transcripts with such luminaries as Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Tammy Bruce, and Matt Drudge.
2. Brave New Films on Michael Savage's hate speech.
3. I have a blog that addresses cult leader Sun Myung Moon's pernicious influence on American politics (including a post on a Moon operative working for Mitt Romney's campaign).
Bonus: Links to informative sites about Sean Hannity
1) Media Matters for America monitors Hannity: Click here for the latest on Hannity; here are additional Media Matters resources on Hannity.
2) Here is an article by Ben Fritz on Hannity's intellectual dishonesty in his book Let Freedom Ring.
3) The Center for American Progress has two informative articles about Hannity's dishonesty: click here and here.
4) Wikipedia has information about Hannity's mendacity--e.g., Hannity tried to portray an anti-troop protest by fundamentalist hatemonger Fred Phelps as being the work of the left (quick note: Fox News' Oliver North took the same tack).
5) I have several blog posts documenting Hannity's mendacity: (1) Hannity plays dumb when it suits his purposes; (2) Echoing the Moonie-owned Washington Times, Hannity intentionally truncated a John Kerry quote; (3) Hannity uses deceit to try to link Kerry with Jane Fonda--also here; (4) If you watch or listen to Hannity regularly, undoubtedly you've heard Hannity speak about how important it was for Americans to come together after 9/11. Don't believe him for a minute. Even as as the twin towers were still smoldering, Hannity was part of a Moonie Times smear campaign to distort a speech by former president Clinton to give people the false impression that Clinton was blaming America for the attacks. Read about it here and here; (5) Hannity is one of the usual suspects who used Sudanese propaganda to smear Bill Clinton; (6) Here's a blog post on the problems with the Hannity & Colmes show; (7) My article on Hannity's hypocrisy regarding Ann Coulter's denigrating comments about the 9/11 widows.
6) An article from The Nation about Hannity's relationship with violent white supremacist Hal Turner (Hannity was one of Trent Lott's biggest apologists after Lott defended Strom Thurmond's Dixiecrat presidential run). Here's a post I wrote after finding out that the KKK-owned "Redneck Shop" decided to advertise on Hannity's radio show. UPDATE: I have more on Turner and Hannity here.
7) ThinkProgress article in response to General Motors' (GM) decision to hire Sean Hannity to be spokesperson for GMÂ?s "You're A Great American" Car Give-Away.
8) Article on Hannity's friend Hal Turner by Dave Neiwert. Here's another article about the Hannity/Turner connection by Max Blumenthal.
9) Every since I whipped Hannity's ass on this program and on another occasion, Hannity has made sure that competent opponents don't show him up. Here's some revealing empirical evidence that Hannity is a total wuss [NOTE: if this link does not work at first, refresh it or click here for a truncated version--also I reprint it in the addendum of this post--scroll down to the end]. Hannity has also chickened out of debates with Ed Schultz and Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson.
10) Hannity's vicious attacks on crime victim Abner Louima (also here).
11) Notice how Hannity criticizes people opposed to Bush's ineptitude in Iraq with the canard that they are undermining "the troops in harm's way and undermine their commander in chief while they're at war"? Here are some quotes by Hannity at a time in which we had a president who knew how to use the military.
12) Hannity, of course, defended Ann Coulter's Moussaoui-like attacks on women who lost their husbands on 9/11.
13) Al Franken has an entire chapter on Hannity and Alan Colmes in his book Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.
14) Campus Progress has an informative article about Hannity.
15) Watch this video of Howard Dean slamming Hannity and Fox News on live TV. Dean mentions Robert Greenwald's excellent documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism:
15) Media Matters on Hannity's conspiracy-mongering regarding the death of Vince Foster on his Sunday television show on Fox "Hannity's America":(here, here, and here). this isn't surprising considering that Hannity's boss Roger Ailes has engaged in Foster conspiracy-mongering. Also, more Media Matters on Hannity's intellectual dishonesty--here, here, and here.
16) Post on Hannity and George Stephanopoulos.
17) Hannity baselessly links Barack Obama to Louis Farrakhan, even though Obama has emphatically repudiated the Nation of Islam leader.
18) Hannity & Colmes Presents Ann Coulter As Authority On Tasteful Remarks.
19) Hannity Baselessly Suggests That If Obama Wins, "That Would Mean A Racist And An Anti-Semite Would Be President Of The United States"
20) Racial Insensitivity On Hannity & Colmes
21) Hannity’s White Supremacist Friend Hal Turner Threatens Obama
22) Hannity Won't Admit He Was Wrong About Terri Schiavo
23) Hannity Calls Iraq Geroge W. Bush's "Biggest Success Story."
24) Hannity And Guests Rally Around Dog "The Bounty Hunter" Chapman after he used the term "nigger."
25) Jack Kemp Fed Up With Hannity’s Ad Hominem Attacks On Obama.
26) Hannity Uses Randi Rhodes’ Accident To Smear Her, Air America, Media Matters.
27) Hannity's Website Speculates About Assassination Of Barack Obama.
28) Hannity Defends And Participates In Hate-Mongering Bill Cunningham’s Use of "Barack Hussein Obama."
29) Sean Hannity Misrepresents Nancy Pelosi's Plane Issue
30) Hannity Says Bin Laden Sounds Like Democrats - Twice
31) Hannity Flees Angry Ron Paul Supporters--YouTube video
32) Hannity Pummeled On His Hypocrisy Over Ted Nugent.
33) Hannity Can’t Explain Why He Condemns Swift Boating Of John McCain After Endorsing The Same Tactic Against John Kerry
34) Wesley Clark Tells off Hannity
35) Hannity Meltdown video
36) "Fair And Balanced" Hannity & Colmes Includes No Obama Supporters In Any Of Six Segments Devoted To His Speech On Race
37) After Repeatedly Smearing Obama, Hannity Pretends He And FOX News Have Not Engaged In Personal Attacks.
38) FOX News’ Michael Reagan And Sean Hannity Blame Democrats For Haditha Massacre
39) Hannity and Kellyanne Conway Fall Over Themselves Trying To Defend Giuliani’s Bad-Husband Behavior.
40) Hannity calls Iraq war "Hillary's War."
41) Hannity’s America Offers A Kinder, Gentler Brand Of McCarthyism
42) Hannity Uses Dubious Sourcing and False Reports to Attack Al Gore
43) Hannity & Colmes Uses Don Imus Scandal To Attack An African American.
44) Hannity And The GOP Try - But Fail -To Spin Plame Outing As No Big Deal
45) "Patriotic" Sean Hannity Observes Iraq War Anniversary By Snubbing The Troops, Blaming The War On Democrats And Making It All About Himself.
46) Sean Hannity’s Latest Target For Bigotry: A Seven-Year-Old Girl
47) Racist Mark Fuhrman and Hannity Advocate For Racial Profiling
48)Hannity Gets His Facts Wrong About ANWR
49) White Supremacist Sympathizer Hannity and “Macaca” Aide Obenshain Try To Paint The Clintons As Racists
50) Jerry Falwell Gives Hannity Honorary Doctorate from his diploma mill, Liberty University
51) Predictably, Sean Hannity And David Horowitz Portray Mel Gibson As A Victim after the Actor's Bigoted and anti-Semitic outburst.
52) Hannity's "Investigation" of MoveOn.org Falls Flat.
53) Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich Claim To Be Uniters, Not Dividers
54) Hannity Hypes Fabricated Koran Controversy To Drum Up Hatred For Keith Ellison
55) Hannity Repeats The Big Lie About The “Found” WMD’s
55) What A Hypocrite! Last Spring, Hannity Fawned All Over Fake Nobel Prize Nominee In The Terri Schiavo Matter. But For Tookie Williams, The Nomination "Doesn't Mean Anything"
56) Hannity Gets His Proof from Greg Palast
57) Chickenhawk Sean Hannity Smears War Veteran John Murtha
58) No Retraction On Hannity & Colmes Of False Attacks On Bill Moyers
59) Hannity Charges Almost $50,000 for Travel Expenses
60) Hannity Calls Cuba’s Castro “A Democrat,” Then Gets A Lesson About George Bush’s Unpopularity
61) The Hannity connection to gay hooker and fake journalist Jeff Gannon
62) Hannity asked if Jimmy Carter's planned Hamas meeting was a sign of Obama's "foreign policy strategy" -- but Obama has denounced Hamas
63) Hannity repeatedly distorts passage in Michelle Obama's senior thesis to suggest alumni views on race are her own.
64) Hannity exaggerated Ronald Reagan's record on jobs, federal revenue.
65) Hannity falsely asserted that Murtha "has gone to the other side" with his recent troop surge comments
66) On Hannity's radio show, Kathleen Willey contradicted her book's account of whether Shearer was said to have "ironclad" alibi
67) Hannity named Countdown's "Worst Person" for not disclosing his reported appearance at Giuliani fundraiser
68) Hannity refused to disavow Ted Nugent's slurs against Obama and Clinton
69) After suggesting Vince Foster was murdered, Hannity praised caller who accused Clinton of multiple rapes
70) Hannity falsely suggested that Obama "attack[ed] our troops as murderers"
71) Hannity repeatedly mischaracterized Obama remarks, accused him of "political missteps"
72) Colbert Report YouTube video ridiculing Hannity's baseless suggestion of "foul play" in Vince Foster's death
73) Hannity got "Worst Person" "silver" for using cucumber, condom to misrepresent Obama's stance on sex ed
74) Discussing Vince Foster, Hannity asked: "Did a close friend of Hillary Clinton commit suicide, or was it a massive coverup?"
75) Hannity asserted that "Whitewater and the death of Vince Foster" are "chapters remaining open" for Sen. Clinton
76) Hannity continued to bash carbon offsets -- no mention of Rupert Murdoch's purported plans to use them
77) Hannity still defending deeply flawed Path to 9/11 miniseries -- "It did get it right"
78) Hannity misrepresented Clinton quotes to claim she has "socialist views and intentions"
79) Hannity cropped Clinton quote to accuse her of "hypocrisy" on Iraq
80) Hannity repeatedly attacked Reid as "a propaganda minister for our enemies"
81) Hannity denounced as "hate speech" Clinton statement that GOP phone-jamming convictions were evidence of "vast right-wing conspiracy"
82) On Hannity's America, Path to 9/11 filmmaker Cyrus Nowrasteh defended scene he previously admitted was fabricated
83) Hannity: Ted Kennedy won't be "happy until" we have "mass slaughter" in Iraq
84) Citing no evidence, Hannity maintains Iraqi WMDs "were moved"
85) Hannity falsely claimed Democratic plan includes "nothing about ... increasing security in this country"
86) Hannity praised Michael Steele's "spectacular" and "principled" campaign, ignoring misleading campaign tactics
87) Not fair, not balanced: Sean Hannity shows his true colors
88) Bill O'Reilly and Hannity cropped Ted Turner quote to falsely accuse Turner of having "a hard time choosing sides in the war on terror"
89) Hannity: "[M]aking sure Nancy Pelosi doesn't become the [House] speaker" is "worth ... dying for"
90) Hannity: Democratic victory in midterms could be "victory for the terrorists"
91) Hannity: Despite both believing in global warming threat, "Al Gore is unhinged," but Pat Robertson is "sane"
92) Hannity's 180s: He labeled North Korea a "crisis" two days after criticizing others for doing so; criticized Democrats for debating Iraq war, not tolerating debate
93) Hannity falsely suggested Coulter never "suggested that Bill Clinton should die"; Coulter claimed Supreme Court's Gitmo decision confirms someone put "rat poison in Justice Stevens's crème brûlée"
94) Hannity criticized media, Bush administration for not "paying attention to" Santorum and Hoekstra's discredited WMD claims
95) Hannity repeated false claim that Reagan oversaw "longest period of peacetime growth"
96) Limbaugh, Hannity continued to attack Murtha based on
inaccurate Sun-Sentinel report
97) Hannity drew baseless comparison between N.Y. state comptroller's remark and Trent Lott's praise of Strom Thurmond's 1948 segregationist presidential campaign
98) Hannity falsely claimed Obama and Harry Reid "attack[ed]" U.S. troops in Iraq.
99) Hannity compared a vote for Hillary Clinton to a vote for Hamas or Hezbollah
100) Hannity wrongly accused Sen. Clinton of "hypocrisy" on illegal immigration
101) Hannity falsely claimed Sen. Clinton "says immigration reform is un-Christian"
102) Hannity falsely claimed Feingold was a "flip-flopper" on Iraq invasion
103) Hannity accused "Kool-Aid" drinking "Clinton supporters" of having "defended the indefensible"; what about Hannity?
104) Hannity refused to say if he agreed with Coulter that Democrats "have affection for ... terrorists"
105) Hannity repeated William Bennett's Freakonomics falsehood
106) Hannity quoted Pelosi out of context, falsely suggesting she changed her position on the Iraq war
107) Hannity falsely claimed that Reagan's tax cuts "doubled revenue"
108) Hannity falsely claimed Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg advocated legalizing prostitution, lowering the consent age to 12
109) Hannity: "Some say" Robertson advocated Chavez's assassination; "some" includes the videotape and Robertson.
110) Hannity promoting "disgusting" book that even O'Reilly has criticized
111) Hannity falsely claimed "absence of evidence" that John Kerry "was in combat in Vietnam"
112) Hannity falsely claimed that everyone "got the same amount" from Bush's tax cuts
113. Misrepresenting Obama's audiobook, Hannity claimed Obama said, "'White folks' greed runs a world in need"
114. Hannity's memory lapse: "I don't remember Chelsea Clinton being attacked." Hannity forgets that both John McCain and Rush Limbaugh attacked Chelsea, then a teenager, with vicious humor. Also, Al Franken, in Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them pointed out that he confronted Hannity about Limbaugh's attack on Chelsea.
115. Hannity is named by Media Matters for America the 2008 Misinformer of the Year
116. Hannity misquoted Obama to falsely accuse him of breaking promise.
117. Hannity misrepresents source of editorial to claim that "liberal media" outlet claimed Obama has "embarrassed America"
118. Like O'Reilly, Hannity misrepresented Obama remark to falsely claim he made a "campaign promise" to allow "no earmarks"
119. NCLR President demands correction from Hannity for libelous statement.
120. Hilarious video: Hannity named "Worst Person in the World" by Keith Olbermann for his phony claim about the false claim that the economic recovery bill contains money to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse and the LA to Las Vegas railway system.
121. Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich called out leading right-wing media figures for falsely suggesting that he proposed excluding white males from the President's stimulus package
122. Hannity raises Caroline Kennedy "marital issues" rumor, but denounced NY Times John McCain article as "nothing but innuendo, rumor"
123. Hannity was not alone in smearing, misinforming on Fox News in 2008
124. Hannity complained of DOJ bias in rapid Ted Stevens prosecution, but Stevens reportedly requested speedy trial
125. Hannity ignored Norm Coleman ballot challenges to accuse Al Franken of "stealing an election"
126. WSJ, Fox News' Brit Hume and Hannity repeated baseless "car ballot" story to suggest vote tampering by MN officials
127. Hannity criticized Barack Obama over comments that Hannity misleadingly cropped
128. Hannity vs. Hannity: Is he, or is he not, a "journalist"?
129. Hannity Accuses Harry Reid Of Wanting American Troops To Die
130. Hannity Promoting Fraudster Fugitive Allen Stanford's Company Stanford Coins & Bullion
131. Hannity Distorts And Falsifies Border Agent Case To Suit His Agenda (Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos)
132. Hannity Denies Past Association With White Supremacist Hal Turner But Evidence Suggests Otherwise
133. Hannity Revives Suggestion Obama May Be Muslim
134. Hannity blames Sen. Charles Schumer For US Airways Crash
135. Hannity's Website Speculates About Assassination Of Obama
136. Hannity And Guests Accuse Barack Obama Of Wanting To Kill Infants
137. Sean Hannity Defends And Participates In Hate-Mongering Bill Cunningham’s Use of “Barack Hussein Obama”
138. Funny Jon Stewart video on the Hate Hannity Hotline.
139. Limbaugh, Hannity, and the GOP: an iron triangle of stimulus misinformation
140. Hannity says that Christianity allows torture.
141. John Aravosis asks why does Howard Kurtz think Sean Hannity is relevant?
142. The Young Turks on how Hannity truncated an Obama quote to make it appear that Obama was unilaterally bashing America.
143. Hannity distorts Politico article to hit media for crediting Obama in rescue of Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates. Watch a video of Fox News guest Bernard Goldberg, no fan of Obama, chide Hannity for his pettiness regarding Obama after the rescue of Captain Phillips.
144. Hannity hates the word "bitch" (unless it's applied to Hillary Clinton).
145. Hannity versus Hannity on Texas succession.
146. Jon Stewart slams Hannity's misrepresentation of Obama comment about those who "would... justify the events of 9-11." Hannity crops clip to claim Obama "decided to give 9-11 sympathizers a voice" in Cairo speech.
147. Hannity defies "the phony science of global warming," declares "we breathe carbon dioxide... there's nothing wrong with the automobile"
148. The debunking of Hannity's false claim that during President Obama's 2009 trip to the Middle East, he called the United States "Muslim nation."
149. Hannity advances Obama birth certificate "birther" conspiracies.
150. A poem:
Aping urbanity,
Oozing with vanity,
Plump as a manatee,
Faking humanity,
Intellectual inanity,
Journalistic calamity,
Fox Noise insanity,
You’re a profanity,
--John Cleese, Ode to Sean Hannity
151. Hannity revives another smear: "We've got [Obama] on tape saying, 'White folks' greed runs a world in need' "
152. Hannity makes a habit of distorting quotes to smear progressives
153. Hannity says Obama "is Bill Ayers," he "is Reverend Wright"
154. Hannity Reiterates Fox's False Smear Against Ron Reagan
155. Secession-Sympathizing Hannity Attacks Obama's Patriotism, Suggests He Should Be Investigated By DHS
156. At Hannity's Freedom Concert, I took a picture of Hannity's wife Jill Hannity, the only online photo of her.
Daily Show video Clips of Hannity"
1. Moment of Zen - Hannity Reveals the True Obama
2. Only The Lonely: Sean Hannity defends the lonely people in this world who call escorts just to have the company.
3. On the "Hannity Sucks Ass" sign
4. Sean Hannity tells Art Torres to be quiet.